Jan 10 2020 | Posted in Press Releases

Grades 6-8 students in the Fall 2020 semester at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School Professional Division (RWB School) will be the first to benefit from a new partnership between the RWB School and St. John Brebeuf School (SJB). This new partnership ensures that all students will receive a preeminent education while pursuing their dreams of dancing professionally and affirm the RWB’s placement among the best ballet schools in the world.

The RWB School’s comprehensive search for a new middle years academic partner, which began in 2014, spanned a five-year period and included extensive consultation with students and their families, focus groups, and a closed request for proposals. SJB’s esteemed reputation, strong academic results, commitment to collaboration, and profound respect and appreciation for the arts made them the best choice for this coveted partnership opportunity.

“SJB recognizes the proud tradition and vast contribution the RWB has made to the cultural fabric of the city of Winnipeg and is proud to be chosen to partner in educating students of the RWB School,” said SJB Principal Cara Campbell. “We also recognize the unique needs of RWB School students, academically and emotionally, and will support these talented young people to the utmost of our abilities, ensuring their needs are met across a broad scope of areas.”

This change marks the first time that RWB has reevaluated its academic partnerships since 2007, when a new partnership between the RWB School and the University of Winnipeg Collegiate (UWC) for senior years students in grades 9-12 was first announced.

“The RWB recognizes and thanks Nordale School and the Louis Riel School Division for over 20 years of support. Activities will be planned in conjunction with the 2019-20 school year to honour and pay tribute to this collaboration before changes are enacted in September 2020,” said Stéphane Léonard, School Director at the RWB. “With the support of dynamic partners like SJB and the UWC, the RWB School can ensure that our young artists continue to be challenged and stimulated beyond the walls of our studios, thus enabling us to offer the best overall support to the student body.”

For students who dream of becoming professional dancers, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) School Professional Division auditions will be held on Friday, January 24, at the RWB studios on 380 Graham Avenue. This audition connects students to one of the RWB School’s three full-time professional programs: Ballet Academic (grade 5 and up), Aspirant (post-secondary), and Teacher Training (post-secondary), and is the first step toward a professional career in dance.

Students who are identified as having potential for professional training during their audition are invited to attend Summer Session, which acts as the second phase of the audition process. Running throughout the month of July 2020 in Winnipeg, Summer Session allows students to experience life at the RWB first hand. After this month of intensive training, students who are suitable for one of the RWB School’s professional programs will be accepted into Regular Session, running from September 2020 to June 2021.

Also scheduled at the audition are two master classes, which are available to auditioning and non-auditioning dance students along with a Q & A session for dancers and their parents. Students who are unable to attend an audition may submit a video application online, which will be accepted until May 1.

Currently, 70 percent of the RWB Company dancers are graduates of the RWB School, with over half of the RWB’s artistic school leadership being RWB School alumni.

The RWB School Professional Division Audition Tour has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada and the Manitoba Arts Council. The RWB School also gratefully acknowledges the support of our 2019/20 Audition Tour Presenting Sponsor: IG Wealth Management.

A proud supporter of the RWB, IG Wealth Management National Scholarship Program provides scholarships to aspiring dancers across Canada. The scholarships enable recipients to attend the second phase of the audition process and a chance to earn a place in one of the School’s full-year training programs in Winnipeg.

Audition 2019/20 Winnipeg Schedule
9:00-10:00 | Audition 10-12 yrs
10:15-10:45 | Q & A
11:00-11:45 | Audition 13+ yrs
12:00-13:30 | Master Class 10-13 yrs
12:30-14:00 | Master Class 14+ yrs