April 25, 2024

$2 Million Dollar Endowment Campaign Serves as Lasting Legacy for long-time RWB Artistic Director

Leads to World Premiere of T’əl: The Wild Man of the Woods

(Winnipeg, MB – April 23, 2024) Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet is celebrating the incredible legacy of André Lewis C.M., O.M., M.S.M. and his contribution to the art of dance by embarking on a $2 million campaign to create the André Lewis Choreography Endowment. This endowment, when fully realized, will support annual choreography services for the RWB Company and School, ushering in a new era of artistic excellence and ensuring that the art we perform continues to reflect the RWB’s world class reputation.

To achieve this, the RWB has been presented with a very generous offer from an anonymous donor who will match all donations up to $1 million. By doing this, the campaign aims to raise $1 million in the next 5 years in support of the André Lewis Choreography Endowment Fund.

It’s an incredible investment in the future of a historic organization in Canada and supports our strategic direction to continue to be leaders creating new and innovative choreography in this new era.

– Executive Director, Elena Tupyseva

This same anonymous donor has made a special contribution to the new fund, to begin the process of creating new works. The first in the series will be T’əl: The Wild Man of the Woods, choreographed by RWB School alumnus Cameron Fraser-Monroe. Scheduled to grace the stage of the Centennial Concert Hall from April 25 to 28 alongside Carmina Burana, this marks a significant milestone. The ballet unfolds through an Indigenous narrative, led by a completely Indigenous creative team and narrated by Elder Elsie Paul in both Ayajuthem and English.This captivating tale unfolds the legend of T’əl, a figure who, under the cover of night, abducts children from the village until a courageous young woman embarks on a mission to rescue her sister. Enhancing the experience, the evocative score for this new work is composed by JUNO Award-nominated, Two Spirited cellist and composer, Cris Derksen. The score will be brought to life by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, with Derksen herself accompanying the orchestra live on the cello. With New York-based Navajo designer and Yale-alumnus Asa Benally leading costume design, T’əl soars with artistic brilliance.

It’s so fulfilling to have artists from my community, from other communities working together and meeting at the Centennial Concert Hall to put on this production. It’s incredible to watch these dancers embody a vision that comes from First Nations oral history and the devotion of all these resources towards presenting this story to such a large audience. It’s a historic moment not only for the RWB, but for ballet as a whole.

 – Cameron Fraser-Monroe, RWB Choreographer in Residence

André Lewis Choreography Endowment Fund, which has made T’əl: The Wild Man of the Woods possible, has four key priorities:

  • providing exciting opportunities for the next generation of artists
  • supporting new full-length and short, exploratory works
  • opening the door to exciting new touring opportunities
  • audience inspiration and engagement

I’ve been in service of the arts, of the RWB, as Artistic Director for nearly 30 years, and I’m incredibly honoured to know that this service will continue for generations to come with this exceptional investment in the arts.

– André Lewis, C.M., O.M., M.S.M.

As the costs associated with creating new ballets continues to rise, the gaps between what companies like the RWB can do, want to do, and must do continues to grow. To bridge this gap, the André Lewis Choreography Fund will work in tandem with the RWB Creations Endowment Fund to bolster and sustain the ability to invest in new, full-length ballets confidently and strategically.

This week, while experiencing the grandeur of Carmina Burana and witnessing the birth of a groundbreaking new Indigenous ballet, audiences are guaranteed an unforgettable evening of world-class entertainment.

Tickets are available at the RWB Box Office and at rwb.org

Royal Winnipeg Ballet presents Carmina Burana and T’əl: The Wild Man of the Woods

Media Invite: Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30PM
Dress Rehearsal Photography & Videography Opportunity
Location: Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg

Event Details:

Event Name: Royal Winnipeg Ballet: Carmina Burana with T’əl: The Wild Man of the Woods

Show ​​Dates​​ and ​Times:
Thursday, April ​​25​ at 7:30pm
Friday, ​​April​​ 26​ at 7:30pm
Saturday, ​​April​​ 27​ at 7:30pm
Sunday​​, April ​​28 ​at 2:00pm

Location: Centennial Concert Hall, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg

Email Address & Phone Number: customerservice@rwb.org, 204-957-2792
Ticket link: Tickets

About Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet

The Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) enriches the human experience by teaching, creatingand performing outstanding dance. Founded in 1939 by Gweneth Lloyd and Betty Farrally, the RWB holds the double distinction of being Canada’s premier ballet company and the longest continuously operating ballet company in North America. The RWB received its ‘Royal’ designation from Queen Elizabeth II in 1953, the first Royal Charter granted during her reign.

As a result of the outstanding leadership of Artistic Director André Lewis, C.M., O.M., M.S.M., versatility, technical excellence, and a captivating style have become the trademarks of the RWB, qualities that have garnered both critical and audience acclaim.

The RWB’s superlative standards keep the Company in demand across North America and beyond. In addition to the Company, the RWB is home to the RWB School, consisting of both the Professional Division, our internationally renowned dance education and training centre for aspiring professional dancers and dance teachers, and the Recreational Division, one of Winnipeg’s largest dance schools for all ages, levels, and interests.


For media inquiries, please contact:
JPPR | Jane Puchniak
jane@jppr.ca | 204.951.7727

Carmina Burana Media Kit

T’əl: The Wild Man of the Woods imagery